
Wines of Athens


Savvatiano is a delicious grape variety: it has freshness and fruity aromas when young, it ages well in a barrel, it excels in the bottle acquiring great complexity, it develops into seductive sweet wines in amphorae jugs, and reawakens new-age retsinas that impress with their perfect balance of fruity and resinous aromas.

The Wines of Athens producers draw out the full potential of Savvatiano, as one of the most interesting grapes of the Greek vineyard, in all its different forms and expressions.

As part of Athens Wine Week, “Vassilenas” and Wines of Athens invite you to a unique wine-tasting experience of the grape variety Savvatiano, highlighting the multiple possibilities of Attica’s fine vineyards, on Tuesday, March 14, 2017. Five different Savvatiano – from the  Kokotos Estate, the Mylonas Winery, the Anastasia Frangou Winery, the Papagiannakos Estate and Markos Vineyards – come together to blend perfectly with Vassilenas’ distinctive flavours, showcasing the boundless aspects of this singular grape variety.